This week's blog is going to be a little bit different, mostly because the writer is a little bit different. I don’t mean different in a bad way, I hope, but just a different person. My name is Trevor Cowan. I’m from Lubbock, Texas, and I am on staff as the Executive Pastor at Cross-Work Church. I get the opportunity to serve here in Tahoka with Mike like the good old days!
While I’m still introducing myself, I want to share how I got to here. I grew up in Lubbock, and attend church at Calvary Baptist Church when Mike came in from Dallas to work as the Children’s Minister. I was working as a State Staffer at summer camps in Texas when I felt like I was called to ministry, and started doing ministry with Mike shortly after high school.
We’ve been all over the world doing ministry together. We went to Africa and Puerto Rico, and we’ve been to several states around the U.S. I’ve had the opportunity to do so many things working with Mike, and I’m super excited that we will be working together again. I believe Peaches and Herb said it best, “reunited and it feels so good!”
Out of all the things we’ve done, church planting is a first, and it’s been really cool to see how it’s playing out. For starters, I had been trying to look for a new job, both in churches and in the secular world for about six months. In that time I had filled out over fifty applications, and I had two interviews, but nothing seemed to be working out. On top of that, I was trying to go through the missions process at my church I was attending, but, like the jobs, it wasn’t really working out. I felt like I was just trying to swim against a current, and it was exhausting! Once we started working on the process to get both of us on staff for Cross-work, it felt like just getting in a float and letting the current take me wherever it’s going.
Since starting on staff, I have been able to do some cool stuff! I’m the worship DJ, meaning, I lead worship by playing the songs. I never thought I would be doing that! I’ve also had the opportunity to preach, and I will have many more opportunities coming up in the new year. I’ve been sharing the gospel with a youth age guy, and even met a guy from China, right here in Tahoka, Texas! We kicked off our winter VBS this week where we wrote all the curriculum for, and we’re getting more and more opportunities to meet people in the community.
Moving forward, I got a job at the school as a substitute, so occasionally I’ll be getting in there meeting kids and teachers, getting to know people and being known. I’m still working on moving to town, so be in prayer for that. Lastly, continue praying that we have the opportunity to give everyone in our town an opportunity to hear and respond to the gospel.
For God’s glory
